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Currently reading

The Collected Poems, 1965-2010
Lucille Clifton, Kevin Young, Michael S. Glaser, Toni Morrison
Progress: 90/749 pages
Collected Poems
Robert Lowell, David Gewanter, Frank Bidart
Progress: 13/1001 pages
Robert Lowell: Interviews and Memoirs
Robert Lowell, Jeffrey Meyers
Progress: 33/359 pages
The Best American Short Stories 2013
Elizabeth Strout, Heidi Pitlor
Progress: 30/325 pages
Beautiful Fools: The Last Affair of Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald
R. Clifton Spargo
Progress: 39/364 pages
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
E. Lockhart
Progress: 1/6 minutes
Art on My Mind: Visual Politics
Bell Hooks
Progress: 15/224 pages
The Serpent and the Pearl
Kate Quinn
Progress: 50/393 pages

Reading progress update: I've read 250 out of 444 pages.

We Were the Mulvaneys (Oprah's Book Club) - Joyce Carol Oates

This book is so engrossing. I've checked out another of Ms. Oates books from my library. I can't wait to read it. So much material to read.